If you are a member of a club or studio that uses Stages Studio or Stages Flight for group classes, your rides are logged side by side with each group class you participate in, as long as you have booked the class. Workout details will be sent to your account if notifications are enabled.

If your club uses Stages Studio

Create a Stages Cloud account

Stages Studio user settings overview 

How to book a class at your club using Stages Studio 

If your club uses Stages Flight

Create a Stages Flight account

How do I associate my account with my local club(s)?

How can I reserve a spot for an upcoming class at my club?

Note: for both Stages Studio and Stages Flight, if your club uses Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software like MindBody, zingfit, or FitMetrix for class management, you need to book your classes using the CRM. You will still need to set up your Stages Studio or Stages Flight account in order to receive your workout data.