Note: the following information is for the SIC1 console. It does not pertain to the SIC2 console. If you have a SIC2 console, please see the related topic: Using a heart rate sensor with the Stages SIC2 console.

Stages bikes equipped with the Stages Indoor Cycling SIC1 console are able to be paired with any ANT+ or Bluetooth 4.0 (BLE) compatible heart rate sensor.

Before pairing your heart rate sensor:

  • Follow the manufacturer's instructions to activate your ANT+ or Bluetooth-compatible heart rate sensor.
  • Secure the sensor directly against the skin.
  • The sensor should be worn tight enough to stay in place.

To pair your heart rate sensor with the Stages SIC1 console:

  1. While wearing your heart rate sensor, activate the console by pressing any button and proceed to WARM UP mode. 
  2. While the console is in WARM UP mode, remain close to the console until it picks up the heart rate sensor signal, indicated by a heart symbol flashing on the display.
  3. If you have advanced past WARM UP mode without pairing your heart rate sensor, hold the AVG/END button to complete the ride and then press AVG/END again to return to start up mode. 

Once the HR sensor is paired, it will begin displaying your heart rate in BPM on the console screen. If you are using a USB stick to record your ride, your heart rate data will begin recording alongside your ride data once you advance from WARM UP mode into STAGE mode and begin your workout. Note: Heart rate sensors can only be paired in WARM UP mode.

Note: If you are using a mobile app such as Stages Flight mobile app or Wahoo Fitness app to track ride data, you may also pair your Bluetooth-enabled heart rate sensor directly to your smartphone along with the bike's power meter. For more information on mobile apps compatible with Stages Power, see our article: Recording with fitness apps

Help with heart rate sensors

  • Bluetooth (BLE) sensors can often only pair with one device at a time. If your device is currently or has recently been paired to another device, such as a mobile app, try turning off the device or disabling its Bluetooth function.

  • The heart rate sensor must be active and in use in order to pair with the console (during WARM UP mode only).

  • Many heart rate sensors require the electrode contacts to be wet in order to pick up the heart rate. Check your device's instructions to find out if this is necessary for your sensor.