If your phone number is not working for in-class booking, we recommend checking a few things in your account setting to ensure your information is set up correctly.

To verify or update your phone number setting:

  1. Log in to your Stages Flight account.
  2. Click the drop-down with your email address in the upper right corner and select Settings.
  3. Under Profile, check the following settings:
    - Make sure the correct country is set in your account (as the country code is used during sign up).
    - Check that your phone number is correct and formatted with 10 digits, no spaces or punctuations, i.e. 5558675309.
  4. Once you've made your changes, scroll down to the button and click the Save profile button.

Note: If you are viewing the Stages Flight website on a mobile device, please click View Standard Site at the bottom of the page to view these page options.